How do I view my invoice detail?
On the "Billing and Payment" page, click the invoice number to view details about that invoice.
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How do I view shipment details?
On the "My Shipments" page, click a on an individual shipment to see the detail for just that shipment.
How do I pay an invoice?
On the Billing and Payments page, select the invoice you want to pay, and then click the Pay Invoice link.
How long do I have to pay an invoice?
NEX requires that invoices be paid within 15 days from the date of the invoice. Outstanding balances not paid within 30 days of the invoice date may be subject to a late fee of either 5% of the balance, or a $5 minimum.
How long do I have to pay a NEX invoice?
NEX requires that invoices be paid within 15 days from the date of the invoice. Outstanding balances not paid within 30 days of the invoice date may be subject to a late fee of either 5% of the balance, or a $5 minimum.
Do I have to fill out a separate EEI for each box or invoice included in my shipment?
No. A single EEI is all that is required for the entire shipment being shipped. U.S. Principal Party in Interest (USPPI) participating in AES has the option of providing information at the invoice or shipment level.