Yes. You can receive invoices by email and also available to View/Download online at "Billing and Payments" link under MyNEX drop down menu. You can also make payments online.
Paper and Paperless online billings are available. Trade in your paper invoices and use our electronic invoicing and remittance tools to automate your billing process.
You can request adjustments and refunds from "Claim Resolution" link under MyNEX drop down menu on home page. Please select the 'Dispute a charge' or 'Refund or Overpayment' option to request the adjustment or refund. Or, Contact Us for assistance.
NEX requires that invoices be paid within 15 days from the date of the invoice. Outstanding balances not paid within 30 days of the invoice date may be subject to a late fee of either 5% of the balance, or a $5 minimum.